Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Recipe #10: "Family Style" Chocolate Mousse

Oh.  My.  Goodness. 
Heaven (or something close to it) is how I would describe this recipe.
This recipe is SO good, I barely have the words to express how insanely rich and scrumptious it is.  Ina actually calls for Grand Marnier as well as Cognac, but I selfishly did not want to purchase a $33 bottle when I only needed a minimal amount of each alcohol.  I took a risk and decided to leave out the alcohol, and it paid off because no one could tell the difference!  Chocolate, coffee, vanilla, sugar, etc…..mmmmmm!!! The texture was moussy-smooth and the flavor was so decadent.  Bill definitely liked it (always a plus), and my sister said this is her new favorite recipe that I have made (and she is very discerning). 
Woohoo!  I am on a roll J

Recipe #9: "Family Style" Lemon Angel Food Cake

Man oh man have I been procrastinating on blogging!  I think this is because life always seems to get in the way, but it’s also sort of daunting wanting to be quick, funny, and noteworthy without knowing if anyone is interested!  I’m not sure if I could pull off a daily blog.  I think from now on, I will keep them short and sweet, but still creative and satisfying.
I am racking up quite the collection of pans!  For this one, I purchased a true green and cream-colored angel food cake pan (SO cute!) from Target.  Seriously, go there for some affordable and attractive bakeware.  I was nervous about how this would come out as I am always doubting as-is recipes because I’m making this stuff in Denver.  The cake actually turned out super tasty!  I used about 3/4ths of the amount of lemon she called for as I think she is a bit heavy handed when it comes to lemon zest.  On its, own, it was a bit dry, but I added sliced strawberries sprinkled with sugar, and it was a huge hit!  Our friends came over for wine and dessert the night I made it, and said they loved it (I hope they weren’t just being nice)! 
My only issue with this recipe is the amount of sifting required.  As I sifted the cake flour and baker’s sugar together….for the 4th time…I literally said out loud “oh come on Ina”!  It was not easy for this busy mama to sift and resift and resift….luckily, the rest of the recipe was super easy.  Aside from the time needed for the sifting extravaganza, this recipe is perfect for a summer shindig (oh summer how I am looking forward to you).